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Taking higher-than-average deductions. IRS may pull a return for audit if the deductions shown are disproportionately large, compared with reported income. Writing …

Non-filing may be a Crime

Very few people are put in jail for not filing a tax return, but it does happen occasionally.  A willful failure to …

The income levels to qualify for the health premium credit in 2019 go up. The credit is available for people with household …

How long does a levy last?

The IRS can seize your assets as long as you owe any part of a tax debt and the 10 year statute …

If you can’t informally convince the IRS to forgo recording a tax lien, here are some options to consider once the tax …

Tax Update 12/8/2018

Take a look at your investment portfolio.  You have lots of tax-saving opportunities in the coming months as the year’s end approaches. But …

November 15th News Release

In a November 15 news release, the IRS reminded small business taxpayers that changes to the tax law per the Tax Cuts …

IRS Collection Problems?

If you owe taxes but can’t pay in full, there options for you. Most importantly, make sure you file your tax return and pay as much as you can. Then let the us help you choose your best option to pay. Here are some options to consider, even if you can’t pay the full amount right now:

Year Round Tax Tips

Its not too late to plan for the 2016 filing season!